This momentous occasion marks a significant time that not only honors our Clergy, but brings together our beloved congregation while strengthening the bonds within our community. On Friday, March 15, at 7:00 PM, please join us for a festive Shabbat evening service, where we are delighted to officially install our Clergy, Rabbi Michael G. Cohen and Cantor Eryka Velazquez. We welcome all to join, please RSVP using the form below.
Dress to party as we honor our Clergy, and raise funds for CSBE! • Dinner • Wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages • Music provided by Central Beat • Enjoy dancing, fun and friends • Free childcare will be provided • Exciting silent auction and raffles with a variety of prizes Information Coming Soon Tickets for the Celebration Gala are $90 per person. * Seating is limited. Tickets must be purchased by Monday, March 4th. * PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW
Messages for the Digital Commemorative Journal: Send a congratulatory message to Rabbi Cohen and Cantor Velazquez which will be displayed multiple times throughout the weekend. $18 - Digital Booster (name/family name/business name) to be included on a list of supporters $54 - Full Screen Digital Ad This will include a full screen display of your pre-made personal message or business logo $1800 - Signature Sponsor- Includes two event tickets, digital Ad, and special recognition in the local Herald newspaper.
If you are selecting Digital Booster, please enter your name/family/business name as you want it to appear. If you are selecting Full Screen Digital Ad, please enter your pre-made personal message as you want it to appear. If you are selecting Signature Sponsor, please enter your pre-made personal message as you want it to appear for your Digital Ad